
Interwine 葡萄酒与烈酒大奖赛( IGC ),来自全球 859 款葡萄酒, 一同参与了此次酒款盲品比赛。很荣幸夏漠宁干白和夏漠宁赤霞珠干红葡萄酒同时荣获铜牌。 敬请期待,我们夏漠宁珍藏赤霞珠在年底即将登场!

We are proud to announce that our Harmene Cuvée Blanc and Harmene Cabernet Sauvignon were both awarded medals in the Interwine Wine and Spirits Awards, which received over 800 wine submissions globally for this year’s IGC blind tasting challenge.

.We are profoundly humbled by this recognition. Stay tuned for our upcoming Harmene releases, which will be launched at the end of the year.