
我们对高品质葡萄酒的承诺与我们回馈社会的责任感同样重要。 我们将 Harmene 视为变革的催化剂,而我们的葡萄酒将会把一群无私地向善的人聚集在一起。夏漠宁 的承诺,即我们的承诺,是将夏漠宁上限到10%的收入占比 捐给慈善机构,在教育、儿童福利和环境方面对当地产生影响力。

Harmene is committed to producing high-quality wines and contributing back to society. Harmene sees itself as a catalyst for change, and its wines bring together a collective of people with a selfless desire to do good. Harmene’s Pledge is to contribute up to ten percent of its earnings to charities that make a local impact on education, children’s welfare, and the environment.