Harmene 是一段段「当下片刻」交织而成的「长久关系」。宁夏土地上的四季更迭,酿酒师们的倾心培育,昼与夜,光明与黑暗,盘根错节酝酿着这大自然最美好的馈赠。 Harmene是每个人都可以赤诚享受的葡萄酒。她层次丰富,她冷暖相措,她柔和悠长,她那浑然天成的丰润味道会慢慢将你覆盖,充盈,升华,在无尽延伸的彼时此刻。 在中国种植,生产,包装,和销售,Harmene憧憬能作为中国葡萄酒先行举起一面旗帜。

Harmene represents the interweaving of different narratives into a single accord. We are creating a wine of exceptional balance, forged by climate extremes from the Gobi desert and tenderly caressed by our winemakers. It is rich in intensity, bold in flavors, and has inherent elegance.

This interweaving of different narratives is amazing to us. Finding your “Harmene” is a form of sophistication, whether being in the zone, attaining a moment of peace, or simply sharing time with family and friends. When narratives come together into a singularity, you have achieved a moment of bliss. That’s Harmene. When and where was your last Harmene moment?

Our Region


Harmene‘s first series of wines are cultivated from a single region or sub-region, and only the best from Ningxia can be bottled into a Harmene. The microclimate and terroir of the region are unique, and Harmene aims to maximize its characteristics, which are rich in intensity, bold in flavors, and inherently elegant.


夏漠宁与一群热情的葡萄酒专家、葡萄栽培师和侍酒师合作,创造出真正令人难忘的葡萄酒。 可持续农业、环境管家和社会责任感是 Harmene Collective 背后的核心精神,我们将继续在中国不同地区推广这一理念。 Harmene Collective 透过这精神为生产优质葡萄酒的支柱,同时提升当地的经济发展。

Harmene collaborates with passionate wine experts, viticulturists, and sommeliers to create truly memorable wines. The core ethos of Harmene Collective is sustainable agriculture, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility, which we continue to expand in different regions in China. These values are the backbone of our winemaking philosophy and help grow the region economically

Our first Collective is located in the shadow of the picturesque “Helan” Mountains in Ningxia, and we plan to expand further in the next couple of years to Yunnan and Shandong, becoming our second and third Collective, respectively.


我们对高品质葡萄酒的承诺与我们回馈社会的责任感同样重要。 我们将 Harmene 视为变革的催化剂,而我们的葡萄酒将会把一群无私地向善的人聚集在一起。夏漠宁 的承诺,即我们的承诺,是将夏漠宁上限到10%的收入占比 捐给慈善机构,在教育、儿童福利和环境方面对当地产生影响力。

Harmene is committed to producing high-quality wines and contributing back to society. Harmene sees itself as a catalyst for change, and its wines bring together a collective of people with a selfless desire to do good. Harmene’s Pledge is to contribute up to ten percent of its earnings to charities that make a local impact on education, children’s welfare, and the environment.


Harmene Moments 是一系列关于人文精神和个人在寻找幸福与平静时刻的成就的故事。 无论是通过爱、心碎、庆祝还是获得清晰,这都是意识的真实状态,这就是夏漠宁时刻。在我们的一生中,我们的生活由许多故事组成,我们希望你的生命旅程也同样精致、充满活力,并且可以 一起分享我们的夏漠宁。

Harmene Moments is a series of short stories that celebrate the human spirit and individual achievement in finding moments of happiness and peace. Whether through love, heartbreak, celebration, or attaining clarity, these moments represent the true state of consciousness, and that’s a Harmene Moment. In our lifetime, we experience many narratives, and we hope your journey is as exquisite, vibrant, and shareable as our Harmene Moments.